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Initiation of Venus Experience

Writer: IDreamAHealing9 BotanicaIDreamAHealing9 Botanica

Updated: Jan 26

Venus showed up in my life just when I needed to find myself again. That year and the one after were full of challenges. My son was diagnosed with autism, I had another baby, and I was hit with post-partum depression. Plus, things were really rocky with my partner. All I knew at that point was being a mom and a partner. I was completely drained, both mentally and physically, and my relationships with myself and others were really taking a hit.


Brief History on the Goddess Venus

Venus is revered as the Goddess of Love, War, Sex, Fertility, Beauty, Art, and Wealth. Embodying femininity, she is often represented by the Empress card. Venus governs the number 6, Friday, and the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra. Additionally, she is recognized as a nature Goddess associated with Spring, which is fitting. Her symbols include the Rose, Seashells, Dove, and Swan.

My First Meet-Up with Goddess Venus

So, I first got in touch with Goddess Venus in a dream. She showed up in all sorts of forms, like Aphrodite, kind of shifting around. I remember dreaming she gave me a cowrie shell, a seashell, a pearl, and a rose. That's how the Venus Self Love Mojo Bag came to be. (Check it out below) I put together that mojo bag and filled it with Venus's vibes. I carried it around for almost a month, didn't really notice anything, and honestly, I forgot it was even in my purse. Then I had another dream. I fell overboard and felt like I was heading into some underworld portal. Venus started lifting me back up, and as she did, she whispered, "Carry your own weight." I started pulling myself up, and then she vanished. That was the second time, and I didn't need a third to figure out what was happening.


My Work with Venus

So, I started diving into the world of the Goddess Venus and snooping around other people's initiation stories. Clearly, Venus was waving her cosmic pom-poms at me for some bonding time. Back then, I didn’t even own a single candle (gasp!) and was jobless, but hey, I had a whole 5 dollars. Off I went to the dollar store, you know, before it morphed into the $1.25 store. (sighs dramatically) I grabbed 2 votive white candles, a pack of crayons, a glass, and some heart stickers from the craft aisle. Back home, I performed candle surgery to rescue the wicks, melted them with a pink crayon, and poured the concoction into the glass container, which would later evolve into the fabulous Venus Love Inspired Tealights and Self Love Candle. (See below for the masterpiece) I set up a mini altar with a glass of water and my candle (yep, my first magical creation). Every Friday, I would scribble a petition like

Goddess Venus,

It is my will to be at one with the most loving version of myself.


(My Name)

Goddess Venus

It is my will to build a relationship with you and learn your ways.


(My Name)

I would keep this ritual going for years never missing a Friday. Now I mentioned earlier about the mojo bag. The mojo bag was definitely working as well!

Some things I began to notice over the years of working with Venus and lessons I've learned:

  • I began to overall feel better about myself overall the way I looked and felt, there were times I would get out of the shower and I'm looking at myself in the mirror, I would hear affirmations in my own voice but in my head boosting me all the way up.

  • Venus helped me embraced my femineity, I developed a skincare routine, workout routine, wanted to wear more sexy clothing, color my hair, keep my nails and feet done and be pampered.

  • I found more excitement in the bedroom through sexual exploration.

  • My taste in people and things change. I could no longer settle. I realize that a lot of things I was accepting was due to lack of self-love could no longer remain the same.

  • She would intuitively tell me what to place on her altar. Her altar grew tremendously. Roses, Perfumes, Expensive chocolates, pennies, gold jewelry, pearls, crystals, heart shaped items, books, goblets, etc.

  • My discernment went all the way up to another level, Venus is big on love but not being no one's fool or being taken advantage of. Sometimes love is blind, but Venus makes sure you're not that deer in head lights.

  • Venus helped me step into my purpose which was helping others through my gift of expression. Literally by me stepping out of my comfort zone and letting go of fear I was able to use my gift to generate income. I got a career level up. I know it was the confidence that she gives that helped me in this area of life.

  • I was able to understand what I wanted when it came to love and what I would accept. Venus helped me understand there is so much power in knowing what you don't want lol. Thats exactly how you began to focus on what you actually would like to manifest.

  • I learned Forgiveness. We all make mistakes, but we all have room for growth and deserve to be forgiven.

  • I gained an understanding of unconditional love because a lot of time we ask for love, but it comes with many conditions.Unconditional love is an understanding that if you love someone there is no need to bind them. You simply offer your love open and freely which allows that person and yourself to love each other even more.

  • Venus helped me see the beauty all around me and understanding everything is art.

  • Being overall Grateful for this present moment which attracted more and more gratitude

  • Understanding that Wealth is not just the amount of money in your account.

  • Venus helped me attract people who had already obtained wealth that could put me in a better position to generate more.

There's so much more I can say I've learned from this Goddess. Most people love to ask why I would want to work with other Goddesses if you consider myself a Goddess. Obviously, there is still lessons for me to learn if I came back on this Earthly Realm. Venus has Ascended which means there is a lot we can learn from this master teacher.

Apart of my initiation of Venus was offering her energy to others through my work. The Venus Numerology Love Readings (pictured below) was a combination of my love for Numerology and Oracle cards. I would ask Venus what energy each life path could expect and how to work through it then I would lay a card out from 2 decks and post the message in my Facebook and Instagram story. It became really big but of course it would it was a FREE reading. I kept this going for almost a year until Venus said no more. My time was up doing service in that way.

Now remember I mentioned the Venus Candles was made from a dollar tree fix. Well over time intuitively Venus showed me how to better fix these candles well as make properly give her offers, set up her altar and make oils. The first Venus oil that I conjured was made of dried rose petals from her altar, olive oil, and glycerin to preserve it. I made this in a recycled spaghetti jar and attuned it to her energy. I would dress candles add it into my candles that I would sell and add it to my pressure points. Over time this potion got better. This birthed Venus Luxurious oil. (Pictured Below)


Ways You can work with and honor Venus

Venus actually doesn't require much and she's not one of the most demanding Goddesses. You can simply honor her by

  • meditating and focusing your intent on connecting with her in a genuine pure hearted way

  • placing fresh roses or pictures of roses around your home

  • setting up an altar with all elements

  • singing and dancing to your favorite song

  • Creating a sacred ritual to connect with Venus

  • wearing or carrying rose quartz, green aventurine, Creedite, prehnite, turquoise, celestite, emerald, any crystal associated with Venus

  • creating a self-care routine

  • Opening yourself up to love

  • Working on your heart chakra

  • Lighting a White, Pink or Red Candle on Friday (Ruled by Venus)

Venus in your chart

Venus is the only Planet that is named after a female figure and was one of the first planets to be recognized by our ancestors. They actually had two names for her Phosphors in the morning and Hesperus in the evening. One thing I came to understand was that I am very Venusian. I am a Taurus Rising and Libra Sun both signs are ruled by Venus. Libra rules over love and relationships. Mostly keeping the balance and peace in that area. While Taurus is a sign that rules over luxury and the finer things in life. Finding Venus in your chart can help you figure out what you love, value, attracted to and most of all your purpose. My Venus is in Scorpio, this placement is pretty damn intense and deep. Not all can handle it. I really have to connect intellectually to my partner. We have to be aligned. Venus in Scorpio is deeply connected to occult workings which would explain my love for the occult and occult knowledge. What is your Venus sign?


Venus in Retrograde
When Venus is in retrograde it is spinning backwards. It is doing the opposite of everything it would normally be doing. While in retrograde, Venus can bring back people from your past similar to mercury retrograde. When these people come back it's usually not to hook up and be happily ever after its to finish off whatever karma and cut ties. If you are already in a relationship this can be a time where issues are illuminated, brought to the surface, or can just feel a bit blocked from your partner. If you were searching for love during this time, it could feel like you are hitting a break wall. Venus rules over wealth so issues dealing with finances and things we place value in may need to be evaluated at the time. Such as coming up with a spending budget or plan. Finding new ways to generate income due to a loss of job or unexpected expense. During Venus retrograde areas where self-care is needed can be illuminated as well. This may show up as a health issue.


New Moon in Taurus

Taurus New Moon energy highlights the areas of

Money and Finances
Redefining your self-worth
Lessons in Patience
Sensual Pleasures Sacral Chakra Work
Releasing Stubbornness

New Moon in Libra

Libra new moon energy highlight the areas of The renewal or beginning of Marriage and Relationships Harmony and Peace within oneself or their environment Learning Teamwork Increasing your social status, your social circle, Networking Self-Love Healing from Codependency

Herbs Associated with Venus

There are many ways you can use these herbs such as placing them in a sachet with crystals or by themselves. Making teas, Cookies, Cakes, Clay structures, creating intention oils or dressing candles. Some of these herbs are

  • Rose

  • Plantain

  • Mugwort

  • Adam and Eve Roots

  • African Violet

  • Alfalfa

  • Aloe, Wood

  • Aster

  • Bachelor's Buttons

  • Balm of Gilead

  • Barley

  • Bedstraw Fragrant

  • Caper

  • Cardamon

  • Catnip

  • Dittany of Crete

  • Elder Fleabane

  • Foxglove

  • Geranium

  • Heather

  • Hibiscus

  • Huckleberry

  • Iris

  • Lady's Mantle

  • Larkspur

  • Licorice

  • Lucky Hand

  • Magnolia

  • Maidenhair

  • Myrtle

  • Oats

  • Orchid

  • Orris

  • Passionflower

  • Primrose

  • Rhubarb

  • Rye

  • Sandalwood

  • Trillium

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